A massage for the soul or the importance of understanding myself through what the stars can tell. ASTROLOGY is without a doubt one of the old way to learn about ourselves begin in old Sumerian time and follow human being through all known time history , listening to the stars and the movements of the planet was used as a form of understanding the cicles of time of mother earth but as well as a road to connect with our inner self ,mostly used as a divination tool follow us till modern time where was study in university as one of the very important aspect of knowledge ,most of well known astronomer where Astrologers. With the advance of science astrology fall out of grace and became a sort of game play with not very much reputation ,nevertheless in the contemporary time as everything evolve ,also did astrology and now a days is more present than ever , with new road of study the planet and stars and the influence in us ,but away of medieval style .now a days exist two important aprouch to astrology ,the evolutionary astrology and the humanist astrology ,that look at the horoscope as a form of growing process or what we can learn about ourselves with the help of this ancient tool and away of the obscure medieval for of determination and destiny .
That is the way i work with astrology and tarot and i call it a massage for the soul. a open room that can be a very interesting tool for us and a wonderful present from the Ancient .