
my vision is a combination of various discipline , tantric body work in the tradition of Tantra kaula massage , explore the body , opening the senses empower yourself  throught touch  and energy work ,with breathing thecniques ,  subtle  body touch  let you to relax and reconnect with you  body   My perspective is holistic ,  i introduce astrology in the tradition of the humanistic astrology work and evolutionary astrology .Understanding the body and mind , esoteric work with , oils essence , tibetan singing bowls  and  healing crystals , all in unity to let the body flow and expand.

What is Tantra 

Tantra is an ancient philosophy 4000 years  old, began in the Far East. and  teach us the ability to reconnect with our body and our  senses, to  become more aware of our physical bodies, and  discover, manage and use the natural energy within us.  By working  five important tools,
the path of air Pranayamas   breathing techniques,  the path of earth  working with the body  Krya Yoga, the path of fire, moving sacred kundalini energy  through the chakra syste, tantra massage, the path of water   by reconnecting with emotions and spirit, ritualism .


What is Astrology

Astrology is the study of the planets movement and their effect in human life in earth, this all begin thousand  of  of years ago , at the origin of human history, the sky  above us became a guide to understand the natural phenomenon  ,  the seasons the pass of time , and soon after our own life events .   The first evidence we find is  in Chaldea  ( Babylon ) 3000 thousands years ago invented  the zodiac, name the visible planets . Afterwards mix with Egyptian astrology  and  the greeks  give a common language  and spread through the ancient world, Hellenistic  Astrology . On this days astrology and astronomy walk hand in hand till modern time but  when the arrival of science  Astrology fall from grace  almost disappear  . Till the rivaival  in 20 century with psyichological astrology .

Astrology is in my practise a  a very  important  tool for a better understanding  of my client, opening to personal stories, emotions   and an incredible feeling of closeness ,which  in tantric work is very important .is a tool of knowledge and a door for grow .  Any session i do ,include a casting an astrological chart ,

i will chose the time of the meeting according to a beneficial  planetary configuration ,  i will study the chart before the session   and  i work as a reference to tailor a very personal experience .

About vikthor


Artist living in Amsterdam     born in Valparaiso chile where  i  study History   and later began my artistic journey as theatre maker  and designer  in Chile and later  Europe , work that follows me for around 30 years of active theatre work in many contries in Europe and since  2009 base exclusively in Amsterdam  ,  the last  10 years i have being dedicating to study   Tantra     in Amsterdam , under de guide of the master Anand Rudra   . True Tantra. 

At this moment i began  my esoteric studies   concentrated  in Astrology  , evolutionary astrology and  Humanistic astrology .  My work combine all elements that i have being working  throught the years and i call it.    The theatre of truth  , where the tantric transformative filosophy  is my botom line  follow by  esoterism, theatre and ritual . a holistic  journey  with a healing form .


Astrology session

Astrologiesessie Online: Leer jezelf kennen door naar je astrologische mandala te kijken. ontvouw je volledige potentieel, leer over je zonneteken, je maantken en je rijzende. Bezoek op dit juiste moment de planetaire transit, een overzicht van waar je nu bent en de mogelijkheden van wat gaat komen. Ik werk met humanistische astrologie en traditionele hellenistische astrologie. aangezien de sessie 1 uur duurt, kosten: 50 €

Astrology session Online : Learn about yourself by looking at you astrology mandala. unfold you full potential , learn about you sun sign , you moon sign and you rising . Visit the planetary transit at this right moment , an overview of where you are now and the possibilities of what is to come . I work with Humanistic astrology and traditional Hellenistic astrology . as session is 1 hrs cost : 50 €

About vikthor


Artist living in Amsterdam     born in Valparaiso chile where  i  study History   and later began my artistic journey as theatre maker  and designer  in Chile and later  Europe , work that follows me for around 30 years of active theatre work in many contries in Europe and since  2009 base exclusively in Amsterdam  ,  the last  10 years i have being dedicating to study   Tantra     in Amsterdam , under de guide of the master Anand Rudra   . True Tantra. 

At this moment i began  my esoteric studies   concentrated  in Astrology  , evolutionary astrology and  Humanistic astrology .  My work combine all elements that i have being working  throught the years and i call it.    The theatre of truth  , where the tantric transformative filosophy  is my botom line  follow by  esoterism, theatre and ritual . a holistic  journey  with a healing form .